Property Buyer Advice on LIM /Property File on Site


Prior to purchasing a Property, Buyers should ensure they obtain a Land Information Memorandum (LIM) or property file, and receive advice and check any records associated with the local Council. They should then be guided on what steps to take next


We provide reliable and cost-effective support for property vendors. With our expertise and experience in over 20,000 queries, we can act as consultants to ensure a smooth and efficient sale process with a clean record of property or help buyers to make informed decisions on Building regulatory requirements. Our knowledge of the council process and records makes us well-equipped to provide reliable guidance on all matters related to the Building in a property


On Site meeting
you can gain a better understanding of the property
Receive advice about specific questions you have
You can get advice on queries to raise with the Council, solicitors, real estate agents
Receive advice on the next steps to take

Insured By


1) Send us a query over an email
2) Obtain LIM & Property file from Council or Real Estate Agent and submit it to us
3)Study Property file and LIM
4) Arrange a site visit
5) Consultation & Recommendation at the site meeting

Price $ 290 + GST

Conditions Apply